Darryl Anka (Channel) - Bashar (Entity)
Ester Hicks (Channel) - Abraham (Entity)
John Edwards (Psychic)
Richard Dawkins (Evolutionary Biologist)
Jordan Petterson (Psychologist)
Neil deGrasse-Tyson (Astro Physicist)
Joe Rogan (Influencer/Entertainer)
Stephen Greer (Alien Specialist)
James Randy (Magician)
Jim Carrey (Actor)
*You may notice some people on my list that contradict others. That is ok. We want to hold opposing views/contrasting ideas because they help us challenge our own beliefs and own perspectives either helping us come to better conclusions OR allowing us to see what we are not willing to change. You don't have to like everyone on the list; take what you want and leave the rest.
Tarot Readers
Chiros/Holistic Specialists
Business/Investment/Tax Specialists
Spiritual Guidance/Interests
Thank you for joining the Wolf Pack!
I am so thankful to be co-creating this journey with you!
With love & appreciation,